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Himalayan Cedar

Cedrus deodara Aurea

Bunjin / Literati style

Height ± 100cm

Age ± 2005

Origin - UK

Pot - Wooden training pot



The cedar needs a position in full sun for healthy growth. In wintertime, protect the tree from freezing temperatures and cold wind. Young plants are especially delicate and need a little extra protection.



During the growing season water daily if necessary, but let the soil get dry before watering. Be careful not to overwater the cedar, as it grows in quite dry conditions in its native regions and can suffer from root rot if it is watered too much. Especially in winter it is important that the rootball does not stay too wet because this would increase the risk of frost damage to the roots.


During the growth season use a liquid fertilizer every two weeks or apply organic fertilizer four to six weeks.


Pruning and wiring

Twigs can be shortened in early spring. Later keep pinching new shoots which appear throughout the growing season. Do not cut the needles. Larger branches can be pruned in autumn. The Cedrus is known for its slowly healing wounds, so consider to create deadwood features like jins or little shari to prevent producing ugly cut wounds. Younger twigs can easily be wired when they are still flexible. Take care not to damage the sensitive bark. Older branches are better shaped with guy wires.


Repot younger trees every two years, older specimen every three or four years in spring before the new buds open or in autumn. Do not disturb the root system too much and prune the roots only lightly.


Pests and diseases

Aphids and the fungi Sirococcus and Pestalotia, which cause shoot blight and defoliation, can attack cedars. Use a specific pesticide and try to improve the growing conditions for your tree. Root rot can occur when cedars are overwatered.



Himalayan Cedar (#0146)

SKU: #0146
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