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New Zealand Wire Netting Bush (13cm Pot)

Corokia cotoneaster

Corokias are medium sized evergreen plants from New Zealand that make a nice unusual subject for small bonsai.

It has intricately branched, interlacing dense patterns of silvery white new shoots that are contrasted by the dark bark of more mature branches. Hence its common name. It has alternate, ovate, cotoneaster like dark green leaves. The small star shaped, scented, bright yellow flowers with five petals can appear to smother the whole plant when fully out. These are followed by orange fruits which can appear in profusion in the autumn.

Generally hardy and trouble free. They like to be in the sun but do appreciate a bit of shade during heat wave conditions.

Corokia-New Zealand Wire Netting Bush (#0216)

SKU: #0216
£75.00 Regular Price
£18.75Sale Price
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